1. Game sessions


In [ ]:
%run "../Functions/0.4 GF correct answers.ipynb"
print("1. Game sessions")


In [ ]:
#user id in format localplayerguid = '"8d352896-a3f1-471c-8439-0f426df901c1"'
# source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42047994/regex-how-to-find-a-guid-in-a-long-string

GUIDpattern = '^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$'

def isGUIDFormat( guid ):
    return re.search(GUIDpattern, guid)

def getRandomRedMetricsGUID( _rmDF ):
    _uniqueUsers = _rmDF['userId'].dropna().unique()
    _userCount = len(_uniqueUsers)
    _guid = ''
    while (not isGUIDFormat(_guid)):
        _userIndex = randint(0,_userCount-1)
        _guid = _uniqueUsers[_userIndex]
    return _guid

def getRandomSessionGUID( _rmDF, _userId = '' ):    
    rmId = _userId
    if( not(isGUIDFormat(_userId))):
        rmId = getRandomRedMetricsGUID()
    _uniqueSessions = getUserSessions( _rmDF, rmId )
    _sessionsCount = len(_uniqueSessions)
    _guid = ""
    if(0 != _sessionsCount):
        _sessionIndex = randint(0,_sessionsCount-1)
        _guid = _uniqueSessions.iloc[_sessionIndex]
        print("no sessions for userId " + rmId)
    return _guid

In [ ]:
def getUserSessions( _rmDF, userId):
    return _rmDF.loc[:,['userId','sessionId']][_rmDF['userId']==userId]['sessionId'].drop_duplicates().dropna(how='any')

def getSessionsCount(_rmDF, userId):
    return len(getUserSessions( _rmDF, userId ))

def getUserSessionsCounts( _rmDF ):
    _allSessions = getAllSessions( _rmDF, True )
    return _allSessions.groupby('userId').size().reset_index(name='counts').sort_values(by='counts', ascending=False)

In [ ]:
# get datetime of first significant event
# _userId is assumed to be in RedMetrics format
# returns a pandas._libs.tslib.Timestamp
def getFirstEventDate( _userId, _rmDF ):
    _sessions = getUserSessions(_rmDF, _userId)
    _firstGameTime = pd.Timestamp.max.tz_localize('utc')

    for session in _sessions:
        _timedEvents = _rmDF[_rmDF['sessionId']==session]
        # drops irrelevant events like 'start' and 'configure' ones
        _timedEvents = _timedEvents.dropna(subset=['section'])
        if(len(_timedEvents) > 0):
            _earliest = _timedEvents['userTime'].min()
            if(_earliest < _firstGameTime):
                _firstGameTime = _earliest

    return _firstGameTime

In [ ]:
# get datetime of first and last significant events
# _userId is assumed to be in RedMetrics format
# returns a pair of pandas._libs.tslib.Timestamp
def getBoundingEventDates( _userId, _rmDF ):
    _sessions = getUserSessions(_rmDF, _userId)

    _firstGameTime = pd.Timestamp.max.tz_localize('utc')
    _lastGameTime = pd.Timestamp.min.tz_localize('utc')

    for session in _sessions:
        _timedEvents = _rmDF[_rmDF['sessionId']==session]

        # drops irrelevant events like 'start' and 'configure' ones
        _timedEvents = _timedEvents.dropna(subset=['section'])

        if(len(_timedEvents) > 0):
            _earliest = _timedEvents['userTime'].min()
            _latest = _timedEvents['userTime'].max()
            if(_earliest < _firstGameTime):
                _firstGameTime = _earliest
            if(_latest > _lastGameTime):
                _lastGameTime = _latest

    return (_firstGameTime,_lastGameTime)